One exoplanet, then two, then a thousand. One computer solving an equation, playing chess, then winning against the world’s champion. Every time science and technology progress, objects and ideas that were “extraordinary” become “normal”, results that seemed impossible to achieve, become part of our every-day life.
One of such objects are gravitational waves, microscopic fluctuations of space-time, predicted by Einstein in 1916 and discovered one century later. It has been one of the longest and most relentless searches of modern science. Today, gravitational-wave detections multiply and allow us to look at the Universe differently. How has our image of the Universe changed thanks to this once elusive and nowadays key cosmic messenger ?
Speakers :
Matteo Barsuglia, researcher at CNRS, French science leader of the Virgo collaboration, APC laboratory, University of Paris.
Sylvain Chaty, professor at Univesity of Paris, astrophysicist at CEA, UMR AIM, detached at APC laboratory.